#PTAnderson — NEWS & PRESS

Our Next Six Week Intensive Workshop starts January 13th with Editor Matthew Barbato!


Wes Anderson and Paul Thomas Anderson's Editor Reveals Secrets from the Cutting Room

Dylan Tichenor, Oscar-nominated editor of 'There Will Be Blood,' 'Magnolia,' 'Brokeback Mountain,' and more, breaks down clips from his movies.

During a wide-ranging discussion at Saturday's Sight, Sound & Story panel in New York, Academy Award-nominated editor Dylan Tichenor, ACE revealed to moderator Bobbie O'Steen that he first began to comprehend film editing while watching classic films like Nosferatu with his father. It was during these formative viewing experiences—including holding a piece of film from Orson Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons up to the light—that Tichenor realized movies were composed of different shots.