cutting room

Filmmaking And Creative Superstars Share Stories From The Cutting Room Floor at EditFest NY 2012

Go behind the scenes with the editors from The Avengers, Moneyball, All That Jazz, Treme and many more as they discuss techniques behind cutting critically acclaimed projects and industry blockbusters

Manhattan Edit Workshop Partners with AbelCine; Connects Production to Post

Manhattan Edit Workshop (MEWShop), the cutting-edge authorized digital training destination, is pleased to announce a training partnership with industry leading film and digital media equipment supplier AbelCine.  Their first collaboration, "Hands On: From the Camera to the Cutting Room," is a two-day intensive workshop in the art of shooting and editing narrative and documentary film.

MEWShop & Lo-Fi Pictures Launch Groundbreaking, Public Collaboration Film

On President's Day, February 15th at 8PM EST, Manhattan Edit Workshop and Lo-Fi Pictures open the door to a virtual cutting room, inviting you to participate in an entirely new and engaging feature film process.  On that date, Out of Many will become the first feature to publicly screen a working cut and seek collaborative feedback via live chat.